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PVA Glue
These translucent high temperature PETG materials are extremely durable. This is a great material if you are looking to make appealing and durable end use parts.
PETG Filament: What are the benefits?
These are the general benefits:
- It’s more durable. Overheating regular PET makes it hazy and brittle. Not with PETG filament: The added glycol prevents the material from crystallizing and becoming breakable. The new material is also highly impact-resistant.
- Unlike PET, is it RF sealable.
- Professionally printed, it also can be sterilized.
These are the benefits of PETG filament for 3D printing:
- PETG filament has the reputation of combining the benefits of ABS (stronger, temperature resistant, more durable) and PLA (easy to print) in one material.
- The layer adhesion is usually excellent.
- You can expect less trouble with warping or shrinking of your prints.
- Also, you can have the material, prints and misprints recycled. This doesn’t mean you should start printing irresponsibly – sustainably speaking, it’s still plastic, which has to be recycled properly.
- 1kg rolls